You can live Happily Even after you've been betrayed

A woman smiling, wearing a plaid blazer and white sweater, standing near a white wall with a shelf featuring a decorative item and a 'choose happy' sign.

I’m Life Coach Jen

A trauma-informed certified life coach and I’m passionate about helping people recover from betrayal in their marriage.

My spouse cheated on me multiple times during our marriage

So I can 100% relate to the emotional roller coaster you find yourself on.

Trying to figure out how to move forward by yourself can be a lonely place.
It doesn’t have to be. With my years of experience and training, I can help you sort through your options, heal emotionally, find peace and create a life that works for you on every level.

I know it’s possible for you because I did it.

I’m committed to helping people heal from betrayal

I work with clients one-on-one

This offers a private and safe space for you to be heard, work through your thoughts and feelings, explore possibilities and heal your heart and mind at your own pace.

My intention when our work together is complete

Be clear on
what you want

Experience any emotion in a healthy way

Feel more peace and confidence

Create what you want for yourself

Stop the cycle of misery and begin your healing journey

The first step is to schedule a half hour call to see how I can help you.