Welcome to my podcast. Happily, even After. I’m life coach, jen, I’m passionate about helping people recover from betrayal. I rode the intense emotional roller coaster and felt stuck and traumatized for years. It’s the reason I became a trauma-informed certified life coach who helps people like you navigate their post-betrayal world. I have the tools, processes and knowledge to help you not only heal from the betrayal but create a healthy future. Today we begin to help you live happily even after.
Hey friends, welcome to today’s podcast. Today I’m so excited I have a special guest that’s going to come and share her story, and I’m just really happy about that because I love sharing other people’s stories of betrayal. And this friend I met through the internet, which is one reason I just love the internet is because we can meet people, no matter where we live, that have a common interest as us, and Angela is also a betrayal coach and I asked her if she’d be willing to come and share her story, which I think we can all learn from each other’s stories and even though all of our stories are different, we can still gain community, gain connection, through each other’s stories, and so I’m really excited that she was willing to take her time and come on my podcast. So the thing I know about Angela is, of course, her and I have both been betrayed in our marriages and we are both Colorado girls.
And I haven’t lived in Colorado for many years, but I will always consider myself a Colorado girl, and so I think lived in Colorado for many years, but I will always consider myself a Colorado girl, and so I think, you know, maybe that’s the reason why I liked her immediately, anyways. So, angela, really fast, tell us a little bit about you.
So I yeah, where do I even start? I live in Colorado. I actually am originally from Utah.
So okay. So yeah, we swapped Colorado. I actually am originally from Utah.
So, yeah, we swapped. You probably consider yourself a Utah girl. Actually, no, I love Colorado. Like when I moved here it felt like home. I things I love about Utah, but I do really love Colorado. I have been remarried and my husband now will be five years that we’ve been married together in May and he’s got three kids and I have four from both of our previous marriages. So together there’s seven kids, so there’s nine in the house. Lots of different schedules, different places. So we kind of joke that like our house is just the revolving door We’ve just sometimes it’s just him and I and sometimes it’s one set or the other or all of them, but it’s, it’s a fun adventure and yeah, yeah, definitely.
I feel like I have a revolving door of young adults that come into my house. I’m like, does everyone know where house my door code? All my son’s friends? I’m like, wow, did we hand that out? But I think it’s awesome that you have been able to. I’m sure blending a family like that could be a whole podcast on how to blend a family, but today we’re not going to talk about that. But maybe we could have Angela back on to tell us how to blend a family. So yeah, so we’re going to just get into Angela’s going to share a little bit about her story of how she became a betrayal coach. And obviously usually you become a betrayal coach because you’ve been betrayed, right.
Yeah, that is one of the most I went through with my recovery. Most of the therapists were either they were the betrayed one that betrayed, or had been betrayed themselves and so and done the healing and the exercising and different things, so that so it happens most of the time in that aspect. Otherwise, people don’t really understand it, which is unfortunate, but it’s kind of an exclusive club. Yes, if you want to call that that. It’s a place that cannot be described. It’s something that can’t be taught. It’s really something that has to be felt to understand it.
Yeah, I totally agree and I mean in my past I for sure went to several therapists that hadn’t experienced betrayal and they’re like betrayal, trauma, isn’t really a thing. And you know a lot of really hurtful, harmful things that I was told in my experience. And now I understand I’m like, oh no, I don’t care if you hire Angela or if you hire me or someone else, but you need to hire someone that has experienced themselves in some way betrayal. In my opinion, if you’re going to want to get the most help and heal the most because that person can we understand.
Yeah, I was really fortunate with all my healing that it happened to be the first therapist I went to, just as a couples therapist. She had had that experience and had that site that she was able to basically open my eyes to things that I had no idea I can go into. That, yeah, but yeah.
Yeah, that was really fortunate. I did not have that, but that’s okay, that’s all right. So tell our audience a little bit about your story, your marriage.
So, growing up in Utah, if there’s a lot that understand that, there’s what we like to call the Utah bubble, where the culture there is a little different than the rest of the world. But so when I say this part, there’s many people that might be shocked. I got married when I was 19, freshly, freshly 19, like two months after I turned 19. I met my then husband our first year at college and he was the life of the party. He just was one that. He showed up at my apartment one day and he just made me laugh. From the second I met him, he was very charming and just hilarious and just made me feel really good and I remember telling myself that this was love, because everything I’d ever wanted my whole life. He made me feel. He made me feel like I was the most beautiful and important woman in the whole entire world and he’d do anything for me and he did, you know. And we ended up getting engaged and getting married.
But it was very quickly after we got married that things shifted, actually even the day of our marriage. So the funny story is, before we got married my family lived in Utah and we would go up to family dinner over the weekend, nearly every weekend to plan the wedding, to do different things and to just, you know, have dinner. And my mother at the time, on our wedding day, said so when are you guys going to come back up for dinner after your honeymoon? And he said, oh, that’s not happening anymore. And I kind of didn’t know what to say or do at that point and that’s where things really started to become difficult.
Our first year of marriage was really hard One. I was really young, really just didn’t understand relationships, things. I had the fairy tale vision and idea that the man would just do whatever I wanted, and that was kind of not to like discount my parents. But that’s the my parents dynamics. My mom is definitely the alpha relationship and my dad is just very accommodating to what she needs and wants. So I always thought that that was true love, like I get to then set the standard and he will just follow me. And that did not happen.
So I had this struggle within myself of, like, how do I move forward with this? That wasn’t going so, needless to say, it was a little difficult. But I had made a conscious decision that my husband would come before everything else, that that relationship was more important than my relationship with my parents, my family, with everyone else, that he and I would be united in all things. But it was a hard struggle because sometimes I didn’t agree with him, but I would go with it. So that was just the I don’t know the foundation of our relationship and how it started. So we went on, we started growing, we started having children, things. Just life just kept moving. We had the very traditional aspect where he found his career and he provided and worked outside of the home and when we had our children I stayed home and I was with them and that was the role I wanted. I chose that. That’s what I’d always wanted my whole life, and so I felt very blessed and lucky that I could live that. But it was very lonely. It was very one that our whole marriage. Whenever I would ask for help or support, he would disappear even more and he worked, and he worked a lot and I was grateful for it, but that was the extent of the providing that I got, and I struggled personally, trying to figure out how to do it all by myself, and I gained strength through that. But over the years I started to learn how to adapt and that’s just what I did. I would just adapt and I would change my idea of what we can and what we will be, and I adapted because I joked about it, that he was who he was and he wouldn’t do anything that he didn’t want to do, so I would be the one that have to figure it out from there. I would be the one that have to figure it out from there, and so that’s just kind of our dynamics and it was one that we ended up having. There were ups and downs through it, of course, hardships and good times, but it was shortly after we had our fourth child that I had really fallen into a really hard place personally. I didn’t like myself physically, I didn’t like myself emotionally. I struggled really hard and I knew that that was making things hard for our relationship. And at the time I remember coming across an article that said are you easy to love? And I cried because I was just like. I don’t think I’m very easy to love, I’m very hard. So that’s where I began my journey of trying to be better and I found and gained a happiness that I stopped nagging and asking him to come home for dinner. I stopped asking him to help me with bedtime, I just stopped asking and I just accepted what we had and I moved forward and I found happiness in that place.
But it wasn’t too. Shortly after that he just would get more and more distant and he he was getting more into his work and I was slowly getting pushed out was the best way I could say it just kind of getting faded out. I wasn’t included in the work parties, the work meeting, people, all this stuff, and whenever I tried to come see him at work it was always oh, I’m not there in the office, come another time. And things just started to get weird and I could see that he was just his online, like how he presented himself online. I just it was strange and it was with another other women in the office and very personal and it just felt odd and you mean online like Facebook or like things he would post.
Okay, yeah.
So there’d be posts with him and a woman alone in his car and they’re talking about work. But it just felt strange to me and the interactions and how they would talk to each other and the things that I saw. And so I’d ask things, but there was always met with denial. I was crazy, I was ridiculous, like this is outrageous, that nothing’s happening.
How dare you say that?
Yes, yes, yes. And before I even came to that, I should say that I finally sat down with him before I even, like, saw most of that and just was like. I really feel like there’s a disconnect between you and I felt like we’ve.
We’ve done well, but we’re kind of two ships that are sailing in opposite directions. We need to find time to like come together and I really want, I need your support on this. And it was that moment that he turned to me and said I don’t know if I want to, and I hadn’t even thought that that could have been an option.
Yeah, they’re like wait, we’re married.
Yeah, it completely rocked my world of that idea. And I just sat there and asked well, what do you want? And he couldn’t tell me. He just said I don’t know. And then the next thing he would say is you deserve better? And I remember saying are you going to be better or do I deserve better from somebody else? And he said both. And I just was so confused by this and after days where he couldn’t tell me what he wanted, I had made the decision that if he can’t decide that he wants his family, then he doesn’t get to live here and that we need to separate until he can decide what he wants. If I’m honest, it was my ploy, my hope that I could create this scenario, that he would move out, miss his family and come running home. That’s what I was hoping for, that I was hoping that he would have to move out, he’d be sad, he’d be depressed, he’d be missing me and the kids and that he would come to his senses.
Yeah, he would realize oh my gosh, what have I done? Yeah, yes, so you still didn’t know about the affairs. I still didn’t know.
No At this point. So a few months had gone by and actually I had a dream. So then this is when I saw all the posts and different things and he was so adamant about denying it. I mean even to the point that I called something out and publicly on Facebook of like saying how inappropriate this is.
And he came home and told me what a terrible person I was that I would do something so awful and bring somebody else into our marriage. And I am just a terrible person and I felt awful and I apologized to her for doing that. Yeah, of course you did. Yeah. So all of this was going on and then I had this dream and I woke up from the dream and I called my friend immediately and I said he’s having an affair. And she said how do you know? And I’m like I just know, I just know. And I was like I don’t have any proof. But I just know and I don’t, I don’t know how.
So I still didn’t have any proof, I still didn’t know. He still was promising me that he loved me, that he was working to come back home. And then one day I got an email from a man I didn’t know, but a name that was familiar and it was the husband of this woman and it simply said our spouses are having an affair and I have the proof. And I asked if he could send me some of that because I was afraid that my husband would delete it, that he would erase whatever evidence there was.
So I said she probably would have.
Yeah. So I was like, just for my sake, will you send me what you have so I can have that? And my plan was I wasn’t going to open it.
I was going to talk to my husband about it and I was going to ask him about it first. But when I received that email and I could see all these attachments, I couldn’t help myself and I opened it up and immediately it was text messages and pictures and videos. And immediately it was text messages and pictures and videos, things that he said to her, that he said to me calling her his queen and that he was always going to take care of her. But then in the midst there would be these parts where somebody I didn’t know, I didn’t recognize. He talked with such vulgar and just gross and disgust that I couldn’t even describe the way that they talked to each other, and what they said to one another was really vulgar and just like. It just made me feel gross just even reading the words.
And so I didn’t know who this man was, that I was seeing these messages from, and when I finally presented it to him, it took him honestly close to an hour before he could finally confess and tell me what has happened. All the time before he was like it was an emotional affair. It was an emotional affair. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to like just all of that. And then, finally, and all I kept saying was what did you do, what did you do? And he, finally, and you knew what he did. I knew what he did, yeah, and so at that point I thought my marriage was over and I had every intention to, but this was two days before Christmas, so it’s always around the holidays, it always is so.
We had always had the plan that after Christmas day I was going to go take the kids to see my family in Utah. That was like I knew. You told your family yet I hadn’t yet so, but they just knew, because of our separation and because of everything like I had made that plan that the day after Christmas I was going to take the kids so they knew you and your husband were separated.
They didn’t know about the affair okay, no, yeah, but I was planning on telling him, so I did. We just kind of gritted through Christmas, doing the best we could. And then I came to Utah and I told everybody I let them know what happened that when I get back in town I’ll be filing for divorce and that it’s done. While I was gone I got many messages. I’d get calls and texts and through our 15 years of total marriage I had only seen him cry twice and he would call and I could see that he had been crying and so that touched me, that meant something to me and he began saying how much he missed me and missed the kids and he’s made a huge mistake. But he also knew me well enough that that wouldn’t be enough. So he flew out, surprised me and flew out and showed up at my parents’ house and asked if he could take me out to dinner. We talked, we cried. He shared to me how much he’s been in darkness and that he wants to fight for our family and for our marriage and that he’s just been blind and he’s so sorry. He came back to the home. He apologized to my parents. They interrogated him and told him what are you going to do to make it right. And he gave them all the right answers and said everything that we were going to do, and so I had hope. I had hope. So we went back home and for the next 10 months I had the hope that we were fighting for the marriage.
All the while he continued the affair without end. At the end of the, when we finally got divorced, he finally confessed that the longest he had gone without speaking or seeing her was a week. So I had told him it was the whole thing that if, like, if this doesn’t happen, I’m filing for divorce. If this doesn’t happen, and each step I would take a step towards divorce and I hoped and prayed that I wouldn’t have to take the next one, and then it would come to the next one and I’d take that next step.
And I was the prayed that I wouldn’t have to take the next one and then it would come to the next one and I’d take that next step and I was the one that filed. I wanted to do it without lawyers. We did it just between him and I. So I was very adamant that it had to be mutual. It had to be. You know, I wasn’t going to be vindictive or angry, and we were going to be as fair as we possibly could through it and I thought that we could do it and make it through. So it ultimately ended that it didn’t. There were lots of Hail Marys, there were lots of things, but, like I said, the affair had never ended.
Was that his first affair? Do you think, or you don’t know?
It was the first affair that I’m aware of, but I will say he had been struggling with pornography since he was a child and I didn’t know that and so we had.
We went to one therapy session together as a counselor at some point I don’t even remember at what point it was at and the whole thing and he had confessed that. Like he had confessed that he, you know, I I mean not to be vulgar, and so if we need to bleep it out that, I remember the therapist asking um, how often do you masturbate and look at pornography? And he’s like I don’t know, a hundred times a day, like just got it at all, like it was nothing.
And I was like isn’t that normal? Isn’t that what everyone else?
yeah, he’s like, yeah, just anytime, all the time, whenever possible. And I was shocked. I was shocked. I I had had signs, but I didn’t want to see them yeah of course. So I believe and I whether or not he’ll still admit this at the point we had come to the conclusion that he had a porn addiction that grew into a sexual addiction with the affair.
Which happens so often. That’s usually the way of it it is, and not all men that have affairs look at porn, but it is very common.
Yeah, yeah, and one of the things that, for me, I mean not to say and like, put a disclaimer of like oh, if this is happening, it’s for sure, but a symptom very like most times that’s conducive to a sexual addiction or pornography, but it’s more addiction than just an affair is the double life.
yes, that’s one of the like, the big red flags and big symptom of this life, because they’re living two different lives, they’re separating, yes and they’re separating and they have these two identities or multiple identities, but they have their wife and they’re the father and children and they have that identity and then they have another one that they don’t want people to see and they don’t you know.
So, yeah, they hide it from them, really from themselves too right.
Oh, absolutely. And so this is how this is where, to me, that was the very point of like this is more than just you fell in love with somebody else because he could not choose and he could not stop even when he wanted to, because I believed that he would come to me crying of, just like he’s, like I have been pleading, Like I just want to stop, I don’t want to go back to her, and then you go back to her and you know.
So I call it like a drug addict. Right, it’s the high is. It’s like trying to get off meth.
It absolutely is, it’s 100, and even so, much to the effect um, his father is not of our faith, so he’s very more understanding and forgiving let’s say like pornography.
But he was so convinced that he was on drugs that he had him drug tested because he was staying at his house at one point when I, when he wasn’t living at home, he stayed at his dad’s and his dad was just so concerned. He’s like your behavior is so erotic and he’s like I know what drugs look like and he’s like you’re taking a drug test and he would do random drug tests with him because he was so sure that it has to be cause he’s like you are acting like a drug addict right now that it has to be because he’s like you are acting like a drug addict right now that’s me so it’s, it’s very much, it’s a drug absolutely, and it’s just as hard to break these addictions.
So, yeah, so I don’t know so you got, so you were took 10 months. Then you were amicably trying to get divorced and then that happened, but not really.
Yeah, so we actually we did. We got divorced. We stood in front of a lawyer like in front of a judge, no lawyers. We ended it and it was done and I thought it was we had taken care of everything and everything was set. But shortly after we were divorced, he again. It was around Christmas time, right, we’re now back to later.
And it’s our first year like divorce and I had we just sold the house that we thought was going to be our forever home and the kids and I were in an apartment, a three bedroom apartment, and that’s where we were having Christmas and so I thought I was being so big and so generous that I let him come over for Christmas morning. You know, come over, we’ll do Christmas together.
I’m going to be kind yeah.
Yes, and he showed up and he had gifts for me, not for the kids, not for anything else, just these surprise gifts for me. And as I opened them I was just very taken back. I didn’t really know what to do. And he’s like I just wanted to do something nice for you and took it as that. Then a little time would go by and he would come and ask to see the kids or pick them up.
You know, and I had always said that the kids are always available to you. Like we have our custody agreement, but if you’re you want to see the kids, you can come see. The kids are always available to you. Like we have our custody agreement, but if you’re you want to see the kids, you can come see the kids and have that time with them. And he’s like, can I come see the kids? He’d come over to pick them up and then just ask to stay and just hang out with me, and then he’d have a bouquet of flowers or donuts, just something nice. And it finally got to a point that I didn’t feel comfortable and at this point I’m going to like with the story it all sounds crazy. I had just met my now husband. We literally had gone on one date, maybe two. I had just met him, not serious, but I liked him and he was a good person, and so when my ex-husband would come over, it started to feel not so great.
I was like I don’t feel like I can entertain this, so I shut it down. I said you know, I don’t feel like I can go to this place with you. And he then began to ask me if I was dating and I said yes. And he said have you kissed him? And I said yes, and he flipped so fast. He called me a whore. He called me. He’s like. Now I know how you felt. He’s like you’re just trying to hurt me and that was the moment.
All the nice melted away and shortly after I received a motion that he wanted to change everything. He wanted to pay me like half child support, half alimony. He wanted, you know, the kids more. He wanted everything to change and I was scared. I was a stay at home mom. I had been at home for 13 years where I hadn’t worked outside the home and I was not going to be able to support myself without alimony or child support. Like I needed that and that scared me a lot. So that’s when things got really ugly.
We both hired lawyers and started fighting and he became so ugly and he became so ugly he filed motions that I was trying to kidnap the kids and I wasn’t allowed to have the kids with me for over a month because I had gotten married and moved, you know, like 20 miles away, but it was outside of district so I couldn’t take the kids with me and it just was lies upon lies and it just got really messy. And because of all this there was one time that I got angry and I went to go in my door and he wouldn’t let me get in my car door and he shut it. And I opened it again and he shut it. So I slapped him. So here’s the prerequisite of listening. If there’s ever a domestic dispute and it doesn’t matter who’s in the wrong, it doesn’t matter if the police are called and you were ever in a relationship with the other and the police are called, somebody’s going to jail every time. So five hours later, after I slapped him, he called the police.
I do believe he was led. I think that he had been given that idea and I was arrested at 10 o’clock at night, right after I had gotten out of the shower and I dropped the kids off at his house because he had asked for them. I was still trying to do the things and so I was arrested for slapping him and I spent 24 hours in jail. And the thing that people I didn’t realize and that people don’t realize is it’s not like the movies you don’t get into, like a holding cell and you just kind of wait it out until someone comes gets you. No, I’m booked in, I’m booked in like every other.
Yeah, fingerprints, mugshots. Stripped it down. Asked to bend, comes, get to you. No, I’m booked in. I’m booked in like every other.
Yeah, fingerprints mug shots stripped down, asked to bend over and looked up all the cavities that I was asked when was last time I had my period? I had to go through everything and then I had a jumpsuit on and then I went in and I laid into a cell with another woman and was there until I was out. Who did you call? So I didn’t get a call until like it was like 3am when they finally were like okay, you can go have your call now. And I just cried. I was like who is going to answer their phone at 3 am? But I, like these things made me cry. But the blessing was my husband Now he was with me when I was arrested and so he knew that it happened. So I called him first because at least so you were married at the time no we were just dating.
But he was dating He’d just come over just to. We just had like, had like, like had a date, you know. And so he was just at my house and he was about to leave, actually, and go up to his house when it all happened. And so when I called him it’s gonna make me cry he had already put everything in motion. So he called who he knew he could call and, like it was a friend of mine who called this, that called a lawyer that knew me personally and like my, my best friend, and they all got together at like midnight and were what are we going to do? Okay, what do we have to do? And so when I finally called him, he’s like you have a lawyer, he’s going to be there in the morning, we’re going to get your kids, you’re going to be okay. And he’s like, and I will take care of whatever bail needs to be taken care of, we’ll get you out as soon as we can. And I was like, okay, so I went back and then, like it just took forever for the actual booking process, and then it was like seven or eight o’clock in the morning, my lawyer came and he just said he’s like you just need to survive. He’s like we will take care of everything else, sorry, and. And I said okay, and he’s like we’ve got you, you go through the judge, we will get you out and I’m going to be here for the next process.
So I then went through the next process. I went in front of the judge to get the bell, like what is it Right? And this is the point that I finally knew who my ex-husband really was, because it was during COVID, so I wasn’t there in person, it was in a video and I’m handcuffed and I’m with 30 other inmates, male and female. Were you in an orange jumpsuit? I was in an orange jumpsuit, angela and um, and the judge starts to go over the what happened and then he says what are the charges that are we pressing charges?
And then at that point I could hear his voice and he said I don’t want there to be any like more punishment. He’s like I just want her to get help, she just needs help. And so, um, needless to say, I ended up getting out. I there was no bail, like it was at zero dollars because I had no priors. There was nothing else there. But it took me six more hours before I was released. And yeah, I was released and that was the point that I knew that there was. There was no like, not to say there’s no hope, but I had been seeing and hoping that he would be this man that I wanted him to be.
Yeah, that he would change and recognize yeah. And he did.
He showed you exactly who he was yes, and that it really came down to what he wanted and needed, and he didn’t care how much it hurt me, it was. That wasn’t a consequence for him, because all of it was about, or his kids, yeah, and so. So it became really ugly and messy. Needless to say, for the next little while, I had to do a lot of praying and I came to the place where I had to decide what was most important and what I needed to do, and the biggest thing was I needed him to feel like he won, without me feeling like I’m just rolling over, and so I did a lot of that feeling.
Yeah. So he had to feel like he was winning because he wasn’t going to do anything. I mean, he was so unreasonable and so difficult and just it didn’t matter. He was ready to burn the world down, it didn’t matter. And so I finally came. We came up with a new custody plan which meant that I did not have the kids most of the time, that he would have them during the week and that they would go to school with their schools and that they would come and see me on the weekends. And I thought for sure he’d never agree to it, but he did and it’s actually been a blessing. It’s been difficult, of course, but that’s what our agreement still is today.
And yeah, I don’t know how are your kids doing from how many years has happened like in between that?
Yeah, so it will be almost five years since it’ll happen. It’s about probably four and a half at this point that this all went down. It was. It was hard at first and sometimes they still struggle. My youngest ones still are like mom. I just want to be with you. They still struggle. My youngest ones still are like mom.
I just want to be with you, but there has been a lot of blessings that have come from it and we’ve worked really hard to talk through it and work through things and they’ve really flourished and grown and one of them is learning how to advocate for themselves.
Yeah, which is so powerful. It’s hard for our kids to learn lessons, but so powerful. So from that moment till now, it’s been about four and a half years, and you’ve seen a lot of growth from your kids. What happened to your husband? Did he marry that woman or?
your ex-husband. Sorry, yeah, ex-husband. Yes, so actually no, so it was again. It was one of the Hail Marys one month before we actually finalized the divorce. He finally ended it with her and I, and for grateful reason I’m glad I don’t think it was a healthy relationship for either one of them and she was married at the time you know, did she get divorced?
or do we know he did? Yeah, her, yeah. He filed much quicker, quickly than I did and got through it, but anyway, so that finally that relationship finally did end I believe it did, and so no, they weren’t together. He’s gone through multiple girlfriends, but yeah.
Yeah, so he’s still single. Cool, yeah, okay. So, angela, thank you so much for sharing your story. We’re going to do a part two because now I want to hear and I know all of you want to hear how Angela healed, like her points, as well as how she helps other women heal today. So tune in to next week for that. But anyways, I just my heart and we all have different stories, but I think I resonate a lot with your story, and then there’s parts of it that I haven’t experienced, but I’ve known other women that have experienced. So thanks so much for being vulnerable and sharing that today.
And, fyi, we’re going to put all the information in the show notes so you can get a hold of Angela or you can start following her on Instagram or listen to her. She has her own podcast as well, so just look in the show notes for that. Anyways, thanks so much for listening and we will talk to you next week. If you want to learn how to live happily even after, sign up for my email at hello at lifecoachjenwith1ncom. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook at Happily Even After. Coach, let’s work together to create your happily